Part #: 5-1502

Part Number: 5-1502

Description: 2 Ply 150 1/8 X Bare MOR
Color : Black
Plies: 2
Nominal OAG: 0.22″
 +/- 0.03″
Fabric: Polyester/Nylon
Top Surface: Smooth Cover
Top Cover Thickness: 0.125″
Bottom Surface: Bare
Compound: MOR
Work Tension: 150 lbs./PIW
Elongation: Less than 3%
Weight: 0.11 lbs./PIW
Minimum Pulley Diameter: 6″
Back Flex Min. Pulley Diameter: 9″
Working Temperature (F): -20 to 225
Stock Width: 84″
Attributes: Sliderbed Suitable, Troughable
Hardness: 65a

5-1502 features a medium duty, abrasion resistant top cover on a bare bottom cover. This belt can be used on a slider bed and is moderately oil resistant. 150 1/8 x Bare MOR can be used in any application requiring a medium duty belt on a slider bed. It is an excellent belt for recycling applications, the glass industry and processing wood chips, paper and scrap.


Part Number: 5-1502

Description: 2 Ply 150 1/8 X Bare MOR
Color : Black
Plies: 2
Nominal OAG: 0.22″
 +/- 0.03″
Fabric: Polyester/Nylon
Top Surface: Smooth Cover
Top Cover Thickness: 0.125″
Bottom Surface: Bare
Compound: MOR
Work Tension: 150 lbs./PIW
Elongation: Less than 3%
Weight: 0.11 lbs./PIW
Minimum Pulley Diameter: 6″
Back Flex Min. Pulley Diameter: 9″
Working Temperature (F): -20 to 225
Stock Width: 84″
Attributes: Sliderbed Suitable, Troughable
Hardness: 65a
MinPulleyChart: 0

5-1502 features a medium duty, abrasion resistant top cover on a bare bottom cover. This belt can be used on a slider bed and is moderately oil resistant. 150 1/8 x Bare MOR can be used in any application requiring a medium duty belt on a slider bed. It is an excellent belt for recycling applications, the glass industry and processing wood chips, paper and scrap.
