Part #: 3-1630

Part Number: 3-1630

Description: P2GY Mono-Tote
Color : Gray
Plies: 2
Nominal OAG: 0.11″
 +/- 0.02″
Fabric: Monofilament/Polyester
Top Surface: Longitudinal Groove
Bottom Surface: Bare
Compound: PVC
Work Tension: 100 lbs./PIW
Elongation: Less than 2%
Weight: 0.053 lbs./PIW
Minimum Pulley Diameter: 1.5″
Back Flex Min. Pulley Diameter: 2.25″
Working Temperature (F): 20 to 180
Attributes: Anti-Static, Cross Rigid, Sliderbed Suitable

3-1630 features a soft PVC compounds on the top cover that has been molded into grooves. This construction will self clean as it goes around a pulley. The monofilament carcas ensures a flat running belt. P2GY Mono-Tote-G 8M/GP/BP has been a leader in the conveying of totes and letters in the Post Office. It is recommended to move many products where a high grip surface is needed.


Part Number: 3-1630

Description: P2GY Mono-Tote
Color : Gray
Plies: 2
Nominal OAG: 0.11″
 +/- 0.02″
Fabric: Monofilament/Polyester
Top Surface: Longitudinal Groove
Bottom Surface: Bare
Compound: PVC
Work Tension: 100 lbs./PIW
Elongation: Less than 2%
Weight: 0.053 lbs./PIW
Minimum Pulley Diameter: 1.5″
Back Flex Min. Pulley Diameter: 2.25″
Working Temperature (F): 20 to 180
Attributes: Anti-Static, Cross Rigid, Sliderbed Suitable

3-1630 features a soft PVC compounds on the top cover that has been molded into grooves. This construction will self clean as it goes around a pulley. The monofilament carcas ensures a flat running belt. P2GY Mono-Tote-G 8M/GP/BP has been a leader in the conveying of totes and letters in the Post Office. It is recommended to move many products where a high grip surface is needed.
